These are a series of weekly updates and reflections on my plans, how they are going, what’s working, what I’ve changed, and things I’m loving right now.
Week 4 started out strong. I was figuring out my workout strategy, ran my first 10k of the build on a hilly snow covered trail, was trying to tweak my meal prep to be more sustainable, was working in more stretch and mobility work. And then I got sick…
Friday night I started getting a little dizzy so so took it easy and by Saturday so had full on vertigo that came and went, disrupting my sleep and ability to focus, all weekend. The world was spinning, I was nauseous, and I didn’t even feel like I could cook or meal prep for the next week.
My watch actually clocked nearly 10 hours of sleep but it’s because I felt so sick if I moved so I just played in bed all morning. When it would subside, I’d get up and eat and try to stay hydrated but I really struggled to remember to drink so so was quite low compared to earlier in the week. I tried doing some stretching and pilates but 16 minutes was all could do. It’s ok, because it was a lower volume week anyway and once I feel better the muscles will be well rested for next week but it still sucks.

Tracking-wise, I kept most things the same but played around with where I put each box. I also tried color coding my habits to make it easier to see what I’m doing well on and where so need more consistency. I also added a “How did I do?” journaling spot in the white space but I don’t think I’ll do that again.
I’m not loving my training plan apps so I’ve decided to go all in with Training Peaks premium membership and one of their structured half marathon plans. My injury prevention half marathon plan has programmed triathlon and strength cross training, which means I only need to minimally add on an additional bike and swim workout to build the multi-sport base that I want while still focusing on a strong build to 13.1 miles running fitness.
I am loving the FitBod app and next week will plan to start back in with heavier weight lifting using their programming. I’m still deciding if I want an upper/lower split or a push/pull split. The scale is continuing to hover at the same weight so I’m hoping to ramp up my metabolism with lifting heavier so any split will be moving me in the right direction.